Sunday, December 20, 2020

Wire Cactus by William

Wire Wrapped Cactus by William

William wire wrapped this using 19g wire for the cactus frame and a small Amethyst as the "root".
wire wrapped cactus on post it paper

wire wrapped cactus on post it paper

wire wrapped cactus on the bag
He uses it as a decorative item for his school bag.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Wire Wrapped Pipa Earrings by William

Wire Wrapped Pipa Earrings by William

This wire wrapped dangle earrings with Pearl and Amethyst is created by William for his English teacher as a retirement gift last September.

The dangling piece with Amethyst is the Pipa Knot, first introduced by Corra. This knot is very versatile and you can create variations based on your creativity. I used them for bracelets, pendants, clasps and earrings. See some of the variations that I made here - Pipa knot used in various pieces

Wire wrapped Pipa earrings with pearl and amethyst lying on wood surface

Progress of work of the wire wrapped Pipa earrings with pearl and amethyst
▲ Steps in assembling the earring components
William working on his wire wrapped earring
▲The creator (¯`◕‿◕´¯)William(¯`◕‿◕´¯)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wire Wrapped Earrings by William

William actually made quite a number of wire jewelry projects when i started to assemble all the pictures he has taken of his projects. Some are made as gifts, made for order as well as lucky draw items at school function.

Wire wrapped pearl earrings - simple but elegant
▲This pearl studs is based on many pieces I have made before. See here
There is a tutorial for this at my Etsy Shop as well - Click here

Must say this is one of my most popular tutorials. It is relatively easy to execute but the end result will always satisfy you or the new owners ❤️️

Wire wrapped earrings with moonstones, amethyst and rutilated stones
▲A bit of twist to the pearl stud above but still the same technique.

Wire wrapped earrings with ceramic beads

Wire wrapped earrings with coral beads

Wire wrapped earrings with paua beads
▲These 3 pairs of wire wrapped dangle earrings are quite straightforward to do. Just pick and choose your preferred stones and wrapped with simple wire wrapped loops. Lastly, hook them to the earring hooks. These are ready made earrings hooks, so it save you a bit of time.

I you prefer all handmade earring hooks, just google how to make your own ear wire and you'd see lots of tutorials for it. 

Wire wrapped earrings with Moonstones

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sunday, October 04, 2020

More Wire Jewelry Projects by William

 Continuation with previous post, here are more wire wrapped jewelry pieces by William.

wire wrapped horoscope pendant in the box

wire wrapped horoscope pendants and bookmark and  in the box
Wire wrapped horoscope pendants and bookmark for his friend's birthday.
Wire wrapped musical note rectangle pendant on leaves

Wire wrapped pendant with black agate on his palm

Wire wrapped pendant with paua shell on his palm

Wire wrapped pendant with paua shell on his palm
Pendants with puau shells and gemstones.
Wire wrapped zipper pull on his school bag
A wire wrapped zipper pull with Black Onyx for his school bag.

William's first try of a wire wrapped tree of life pendant. Not very successful but he got the idea. 

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Up and Coming Wire Jeweler in the House

Introducing someone who has shown interest in this thing called Wire Jewelry. 

He did play around with wire and made me these 2 pairs of 'S' shaped earrings when he's 4 years old. 

two pairs of wire wrapped S earrings with gemstones made by william when he was 4 years old

He is now 17 years old. Time really flies while they are growing. 

He is slowly taking interest in creating wire jewelry again.

Very slowly as he will be sitting for his exam soon.

Here are some of his earlier wire wrapped pieces with stainless steel, copper and brass wires. They were his 2018 year end long school holiday projects. Most of them are practice pieces. Haha, yeah, it took me that long to post them today.

Horoscope themed wire jewelry pieces created by William

Wire wrapped cross and key - samples

Wire wrapped pisces with brass wire

Wire wrapped scorpion with copper wire

Wire wrapped camera and pendant with copper and brass wires

Samples of wirework projects by William

This guy is good with crafting and working with his hands. In his own words, he likes creating "original designs" e.g. wooden crossbow, Katana, knives, mechanical thingy, etc.

Those are for another day posting.

Thursday, May 07, 2020

What Have I Been Up To during MCO (18 Mar to 12 May 2020)

Today is the 51 day we have been on Movement Control Order (MCO).
The whole world is in some kind of controlled movement or lockdown due to this nasty Covid-19 virus. I hope you, your family, and friends are doing well and you are keeping yourself healthy and safe.

Starting this week, this controlled movement is now known as Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) or MCO5. Basically, some economic sectors/businesses and activities are allowed to take place with conditions. Four persons are now allowed to be in a car provided you are from the same household. There are many many more conditions but I am not going into that.
TBH, I would prefer MCO4 to continue until the 12th of May.

I have been wanting to update here, thinking that during this time I'd be able to post more often.
But behold, Working From Home (WFH) is really WFH.
....just realized that WFH is like working 24/7.

What have you been up to during this time?
Cooking?......baking? wire jewelry?.......start a new hobby or hobbies?.......DIY DIY DIY? movies/dramas?........surfing the www?........exercising?........reading?........spring cleaning......go over your todo list?....oh there are many things to do if you are not WFH.

As for me, WFH takes up most of my time although I tried to stick to fixed working hours.
Ahh...that doesn't mean I didn't do other things though.
The food photos that people have been sharing online and all over the social media during this time are just too tempting.

So, one thing I discovered during this MCO is that I can BAKE cake.
I don't remember the last time I tried my hand on cake baking...
Must have been like 30 over years ago.
That was a failed orange cake. Or was it a butter cake?
Well, we don't have youtube, smartphones and google at that time.
So, I gave up cake baking after that one failed project.
On top of that, I am not a baking or cooking person.

Thanks to Emily of Emily Secret Passions, I tried out the Basque Burnt Cheesecake.
The reason I gave it a go is mainly because it only involves 5 ingredients and a hand mixer....haha I don't have electrical mixer since I have resigned to the fact that I can't bake. So, I don't have many baking tools and utensils at home....don't laugh...

So here is the first ever burnt cheesecake.
MCO Basque Burnt Cheesecake ready to be eaten
 This is a very tiny cheesecake - 6 inches in diameter

A piece of Basque Burnt Cheescake ready to be eaten
 Ignore those cheese on top. Must oil the knife next time.

MCO Basque Burnt Cheesecake by Wirebliss
I used air fryer for my first cheesecake....easy peasy.

For those of you who think that you don't know how to bake, give this cheesecake a try.
If I can do it, so can you.

Here is the youtube recipe that Emily shared with me:

Have a great day and stay safe, stay healthy.
What have I been up to, to be continued...