Friday, August 24, 2012

Simple Wire Wrap Rings

When I first started with wire wrap rings, this is the simplest method I started with.
You wouldn't believe how simple
it is until you try it out yourself.
Once you get the hang of this,
add it with your own creativity,
you can come up with a wire
wrap ring that suits your style.

For these rings here, I just added another loop around the beads/crystals.
Decorated the side/shanks with a wee bit of wire wrap loops to make it less boring to look at :)
simple wire wrapped rings with Swarovski Crystals

If you feel more adventurous, check out Szarka's Bingo Ring Tutorial at Magpie Gemstones.
Have a great weekend!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Salam Aidilfitri 2012

Finally, the big day is here. Today is the end of Ramadan.
I'd like to wish all my Muslim friends, colleague, acquaintances, lovely wire jewelers, ever loyal blog readers, blogger friends, Facebookers, Twitterers, Linkedin friends, wherever you are a very Happy Hari Raya 2012 :)
May you get to "balik kampung" safely and have a joyous celebration.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Herringbone Weaved Rings

When I managed to steal some time the other day, I revisited an older project and here is what I whipped up - few Herringbone Weaved Rings.
This is one of the techniques I fell in love with when I first started with this wire jewelry addiction. Eni has a free tutorial for it and it should be available at her JL site.

This ring variation was created by me back then, when I have not seen it done into a ring (now you see them everywhere! Can I say I made it popular?...wink! I am sure there are people who got something to say about this). I wrote a free tutorial for this ring and shared it with whoever were interested back then. You must be one of them who has gotten them...hehe... can't find the free tutorial in this blog anymore. I have since taken it down.

However, the tutorial is still available for Free if you purchase this other tutorial - the Caged Herringbone Weaved Bead. Yeah! my own variation to the Herringbone Weave.

Herringbone Weaved Rings with pearl, swarovski crystals

The pearl HBW rings are quite pretty don't you think so?
Note to self - make more of them.
More HBW Rings here - HBW Rings
More Tutorials here - Wire Jewelry Tutorials

Monday, July 23, 2012

Wire Wrap Malachite Necklace & Murano Bracelet

Look at these.
They have been sitting around in the hard drive for a while.
I totally forgotten about them....erm....blame that on "time" again and forgetfulness...hehehe.
Anyway, this wire wrap necklace is of Malachite and "yet to remember the name of the stone". Duh! 
Its pale blue in color....I think the name has something to do with "water".
I'd appreciate it very much if any of you know the name of this stone and care to let me know in the comment section. Thanks.
Wire wrapped Malachite necklace

Wire wrapped Malachite necklace

I ever made an almost similar bracelet before.
The same Murano Glass Bead with some handmade hammered wire charms.
Hammering wire is very therapeutic :)
Murano Glass Bracelet

Murano Glass Bracelet and wire charms

Murano Glass Bracelet and wire charms

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Sewing - Pencil Case for Henry

Remember I mentioned about sewing in my previous post?
Well, I wanted to post earlier but only manage to do it today.
I know it is not related to wire jewelry but I have some ideas in my little head on combining this two one day.
Tried this once before here, but I got distracted after that. And also some old projects here....

Now about my sewing....I am self thought just like wire jewelry. Learned most of it from my mom (ermm about 30 years ago....) but only the most basic i.e. sewing in straight line...very little actually. So, the most popular sewing projects are pillowcases and blankets...LOL. Sew quite a few of them. The patchwork blanket I made for myself and been accompanying me from my teen till now and all around the country for more than 20 years ago is still around. William "inherited" it from me now but with lots of "patchwork" to cover up the old patches. Can't show picture know, shy shy....
Another item I sewed myself and that still accompany me till this day is a cross stitched pencil case.

Unlike 20/30 years ago, sewing is made easier by the internet. Tonnes of tutorials/lessons are available online for self learner like me. This pencil case here is based on Ayumi of Pink Penguin's (love her work and blog) tutorial for a wristlet. I left out the internal pocket and handle but her step by step instruction is very easy to follow :). 
pencil case sewed for Henry
Freehand embroidered letters.
pencil case for Henry
 ....with lining.....
Henry with his pencil case
The happy little guy with his first handmade pencil case.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

All the Glitters Wire Wrap Rings

How time flies. July is just a few days away.
In a blink of an eye half of 2012 is gone.
There were lots of plan for 2012 but looks like I have not been able and would not be able to fulfill lots of them. With only weekends for wire jewelry, sewing (yeah sewing! been at it since last year actually and planning to post something soon :) Stay tune), the boys and their activities, shopping, and many many other "hobbies", it is time to look back at my time management :) and priorities. Its going to be difficult, after all we only have 24hr a day.
Anyway, first thing first, here are some more sparklies or can I say Glitters, for your viewing pleasure.
These sparkly rings are wire wrapped with 14k gold filled wire and beads, similar with others made earlier. However, the wrapping for this batch is much simpler and straight forward.
A handful of wire wrapped sparkly ring
 The pictures didn't do justice to these rings. They really glitter in "real life".

Really sparkly wire wrapped rings

Closeup of the wire wrapped sparkly ring
 Now you know why they really glitters in "real life" :)
sparkly wire wrapped rings around my finger
Two sizes of beads - 8mm and 10mm.
Check out my Sparkly Ring Tutorials here.